So starts seven minutes of some extremely offensive and very eye-opening preaching to the House of God by the reverend Mark Duke.
Duke’s words here are very instructive, and he should heed them himself – the sermon from which this clip was taken again shows, among other things, Duke’s disdain for the way Martin Luther King “wasn’t living it,” in essence not practicing what he preached. Why weren’t they preaching what Malcolm X was preaching – because Martin Luther King and them (other civilrights leaders?) "weren’t living it?”
Duke wonders out loud why he didn’t learn what he should have in seminary. He comes to the conclusion that he wasn't taught it because “nobody was living it.”
Then there is the outright attack on the son of a well-known and respected civil rights leader who according to Duke “He has that lust runnin!” Of course Duke preached to him and “separated him out.”
If he has it right, this man must have been been pretty impressed with Duke; because according to Duke’s wife (Becky) who was in the congregation, the man called Duke "16 FRIGGIN TIMES!"
Maybe Mark Duke’s preaching to this man really did separate him out, because according to Duke’s spiritual partner (Shawn) who was also in the congregation said he didn't call after Duke seperated him out. Listen closely to this part of the clip; you’ll hear the congregation laughing at Duke’s tale of correction. This begs the question: why would these people find this funny?
While Duke's words in this clip show an utter lack of respect for other people, particularly the gentleman whom he names from the pulipit; it also shows an almost complete misunderstanding of Scripture - all in a short six minutes and forty-nine seconds! The full sermon is a real doozy!
Listen very closely to the end of the clip where he tells one of his followers that she can’t communicate with her old friends and family: “You cannot, you CANNOT communion with the old. You cannot communion, I want God to talk to you about that. In the old system (everybody but Duke’s religion) we’re gonna hang out with old relatives and old friends and they’re enemies – they’re enemies. You need to see clear that’s that old system you’re in. And I can see that clearly."
NOTICE CAREFULLY THE MANIPULATIVE WORDS HERE: Mark Duke wants God to talk with her about what Mark Duke is teaching.
This is very subtle, but very powerful.
Again, the sermon that this comes from is full of words teaching his followers that they need to separate themselves from those who don’t follow the reverend Duke and the House of God.
The sermon is also full of Duke's and the House of God's blatant hypocrisy. How about Duke going on and on about someone supposedly kissing and hugging on someone in Church, and then turning to his wife (to whom God told him to stay legally married) to ask a question, and then turning immediately to his live-in spiritual partner (yeah, God told him to do that too) to ask another! Wow, Wow, Wow! There will be more coming on Duke's disregard of God's word on marriage - come back soon.
When you listen to this clip, be patient with the pauses. I just pull them out of the sermon as is, I don't edit them.
Click the Play Button above to listen
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His Dukeness always has someone else read the scripture or the dictionary. Then he interrupts the person.
ReplyDeleteCan Mark Duke not read?
What is the point in that?
Now why does His Dukeness ask his wives - you know the legal one and the spiritual one - (who's ever heard of that anyway) how many times someone called him? His Royal Dukeness does not think his followers believe him at face value?
Mark Duke...YOU ARE OFF!
IT should be the Ranting & Raving Foundation instead of the Freedom Foundation.
Seems hypocritical for a self-professed leader to intentionally degrade another man in such a public manner. May want to rethink your rationale for spreading the word, or whatever it is your doing.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous (1/11/2009:
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment. I took another look at this posting in light of them, and decided to make some edits. The edits essentially toned down my rhetoric; the audio clip of Duke's own words speak well enough.
Allan McConnell