Finally – words from a House of God cult leader that are ON!
Here is some more:
“I am glad to hear that you won’t be coming back. We aren’t looking for people who are goats and are stiff-necked against God’s plain truth and scripture. We are looking for his sheep… his sheep will know his voice. We are actually asking you not to come back”
These are some really harsh words from a leader of the House of God cult to a young woman who attended some of their meetings with her husband back in 2004.
Who was this House of God leader? Someone that was so important that she would later become the cult leader’s (Mark Duke) “spiritual partner.” Someone so important to the House of God’s main cause (The Spiritual Rights Movement), that she is now the leader of the Freedom Foundation – the chairperson of its board of trustees.
The leader is of course Shawn Samuelson. Back when these vile words were written, she was known as Shawn Durham – she had not yet divorced her husband to become Mark Duke’s spiritual partner and live-in family member with him and his wife with whom he would stay “legally married.”
In any case, what is quoted above is from an email that Shawn Samuelson wrote to a young lady by the name of Renee Windows. Based on the choice and tone of Shawn Samuelson’s vicious and hate-filled words, and telling her that “We are asking you not to come back;” Renee must have done something horrible, something so disturbing so disgusting that they didn’t even want her to come to their church…
What did Renee do that was so bad that this cult leader called her a goat and screamed in type DO NOT pray for us?
Renee questioned the cult’s doctrines and was worried about her husband’s involvement. But, she was to do far worse - she asked her former youth pastor to visit one of the House of God’s cult meetings!
I spoke with Renee Windows, and one of the first things that I asked her was her Christian testimony. She was very honest in her estimation of herself, and she said that she knew she would get to heaven and live eternally with God; not because of anything that she did, but because she had accepted Jesus Christ’s free gift of salvation and was washed by His blood, and she affirmed that Jesus was God. That makes her a Christian and my sister in Christ.
Renee went on to tell me her story regarding the House of God, and spoke very candidly about her marriage to her husband. Like most young couples they struggled, perhaps even more than most (there were even some minor physical altercations) back when she had come face-to-face with this cult. But they hung on and they love each other and are committed to each other. That their marriage survived an onslaught of advice from the cult’s spiritual partners and other leaders for her husband to leave their marriage because she questioned them is great news. Sadly, Satan's work in and through the House of God was effective on other marriages that didn’t fare so well.
Renee’s story would be tedious to write out here, so instead, the text from email exchanges between the cult’s spiritual partners (and another cult member as well) and the Windows can be read by clicking the link below.
While reading email exchanges can be confusing, this is vital information. It allows the words of cult leaders Mark Duke and Shawn Samuelson to speak for them. Read closely and the House of God’s false gospel will be very evident.
There is no better way to shine light on a cult than to see their words and actions in context. You can see for yourself what they say - don't just take my word for it.
The proof is in the pudding...
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I'm glad to see that an HOG leader is acknowledging that they are not praying to the same God that we orthodox Christians are praying to. That is what many traditional Christians in Selma have been trying to tell those who don't want to believe it! Then, we are accused of being prejudiced against the Freedom Foundation!
ReplyDeleteI think it is ironic that Renee Windows received an email that clearly stated this, yet on the RealTalk program today, Ronald Smith and Mark Duke declared that the new Selma Community Church led by Ronald is NOT the church of the Freedom Foundation and that FFers are members of a number of different churches in this community, including several Baptist denominations such as Freedom Baptist and Shiloh Baptist. Freedom Foundation volunteers and others who look to their "fruits" as proof of Christianity: Take note! If you belong to any traditional Christian denomination in this town, then you are not worshiping the same God as Mark Duke and his flock!
The last caller to RealTalk radio show today, while sounding sweet and sincere, admonished those who have negative things to say about the HOG/Freedom Foundation/new Selma Community Church. She told Mark Duke that as long as we are worshipping the same God and all believe in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost, then there should be no cause for criticism. Apparently, she hasn't heard about Mark Duke's different beliefs about the Trinity, and he did not make a "correction" to her on air.
ReplyDeleteother churches are learning about selma community church. many churches are busy doing God's work and are not informed. get active and "go tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere."
ReplyDeletethank you allan for your convictions and love for selma.
This series of emails is so eye-opening and, resultingly, so disturbing! I will continue to pray for the battle Selmians must wage against this evil and powerful force led by Mr. Duke.
ReplyDeleteAllan, thank you so much for your ministry!
Selmians, unite! Show the Duke-ites what unity is all about. And know that you have people, like myself, who don't live in Selma but are praying for those of you who are there -- on the front lines -- defending our faith.
Our faith in Christ, who redeems admitted sinners, is clearly not shared with the members of the HOG/FF.
A prayer for Christians in Selma, who are taking up the cause against this false witness, Mark Duke: May God's light shine and reveal what the HOG/FF really is. May the group disband and the members be redeemed from the captivity of this oppressive cult. May we look for the positive in the HOG’s relocating to Selma and remember that God can work this for His own good. May God help us to realize that these HOG/FF followers are in Selma for a reason, likely because there are believers in Selma who can share the true Christ with them. May we remember that these people have only fallen prey to a corrupt and controlling man who has clearly made a shameful impact upon his followers. [This was evidenced by an email written by Shawn Samuelson (, Duke’s spiritual partner no less, who spewed such hateful words to a broken woman searching for truth and healing in her life and marriage, simply because the woman didn’t agree with the HOG’s teachings.] May God reveal opportunities to share true salvation through Christ with those who have followed Duke to Selma. May God, who is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, prevail in this and all things! And may our faith help us stand against this evil and carry out God’s will in this noble cause. Amen.